Major institutions support and endorse us
At Trazable we have managed to bring together key players from both the national and international sector to fulfil our vision.

We have been awarded the Seal of Excellence by the European Union.
This quality label issued by the European Union endorses our innovation in promoting sustainability and the environment.

Valid until January 13, 2024

Trazable has been financed by CDTI funds.
This boosts our R&D effort and gives clients assurance of our solvency.
One of the main European investors that has been with us since the beginning.

We are driven by the leading national accelerator, established by Juan Roig, Executive Chairman of Mercadona.
We are backed by the largest national hub focused on food innovation and founder of the Ftalk food summit.

Other backing
Blockchain Traceability, S.L. has been supported by Fomento de Empleo and co-financed by the European Social Fund. The purpose of this support is to encourage the hiring of young people within the framework of the National Youth Guarantee System:
- ECOGJU/2019 Programme, a subsidised contract totalling €22,680.
- ECOVUT/2020 programme, a subsidised contract totalling €11,970.
- ECOJUP/2021 programme, a subsidised contract totalling €10,640.
- Loan operation co-financed by the European Union through the Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operational Programme for the Valencia Region 2014-2020.
The project has been supported by IVACE within the Program/Action “SPECIALIZED ADVICE FOR THE GROWTH OF SMALL INNOVATIVE COMPANIES 2020” with a grant of 16,500.00€. This action is co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF Operational Program of the Valencian Community 2014-2020 - IMINOD/2022/102 – ADVANCED SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR THE FOOD SECTOR
The aim of this project is to develop a new digitization tool to ensure the quality and food safety of all products. To provide greater control over the processes involved throughout the supply chain and to have a comprehensive view of all tasks, TRAZABLE will develop and integrate a module based on Business Intelligence within its platform. Through this module, the user will have a tool that allows them to manage, parameterize, and govern data visually for decision-making. The project has received assistance from IVACE within the “SME INNOVATION PROJECTS (INNOVA-CV)” Program, Action “SME INNOVATION. INNOVATION IN ICT (INNOVATeiC-CV) 2022” with a grant in the form of a subsidy of €44,658.00. This project is co-financed by the European Union through the FEDER Operational Program of the Valencian Community 2021-2027. - AID PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT OF THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES OF THE VALENCIAN COMMUNITY 2023