Transform your company into a sustainable organization

Measure and improve the environmental footprint of your products with Trazable Life Cycle

In an increasingly sustainability-focused world, measuring and managing carbon footprint and other environmental indicators has become a priority for companies seeking not only to comply with current regulations and meet customer demands, but also to enhance their reputation, mitigate risks, and actively contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Sustainable companies grow on average 40% more.”

Source: McKinsey

Until now, companies had to resort to lengthy processes with consultants that quickly became obsolete and generated information that was difficult for companies to act upon. With Trazable Life Cycle, you can streamline the measurement process, saving time and resources while obtaining valuable insights into your sustainability efforts.

How does Trazable Life Cycle work?

Build your inventory

Easily record every stage of the lifecycle. From materials to processes, customize your lifecycle analysis for a complete picture.

Measure the impact at each stage

Automatically evaluate the impact at each stage. Adjust the scope of your analysis according to your specific needs.

Measure the impact at each stage

Automatically evaluate the impact at each stage. Adjust the scope of your analysis according to your specific needs.

Share it!

Download your impact results and promote sustainability by sharing your life cycle analysis. Together, we can create a more sustainable world.

Trusted worldwide

What our customers say

“Having an environmental impact assessment tool like Trazable Life Cycle has helped us better understand the environmental impact of our product throughout the supply chain. We thought it would be a lengthy process, but thanks to the Trazable team, we have been able to conduct these analyses in a matter of days.”

Lara Mansilla García
Quality and Sustainability Manager, Ibericafé

Use cases

Sustainable value chain

Life cycle assessment allows you to evaluate the impact of raw materials, suppliers, and manufacturing processes. Obtaining accurate information about the entire life cycle of your product so that you can take action and achieve a more sustainable supply chain.

Non-financial statements

Life cycle assessment provides a comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of your company's operations. By integrating the results of LCA with GRI indicators in non-financial statements, a detailed and transparent presentation of sustainability performance is achieved. This facilitates the identification of areas for improvement, the establishment of relevant metrics, and the promotion of more responsible practices in the food sector.

Scope 3 Carbon Footprint calculation

LCA facilitates the measurement of Scope 3 carbon footprint, which covers indirect emissions related to the supply chain and product use. Companies can identify key areas to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainability in an agile manner.

Sustainability claims

The European Union is going to ban environmental claims that are not supported by a standard and validated by an independent company. Our LCA tool will allow you to comply with regulations and continue adding those terms to your products

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